Learn to sew while supporting survivors of trafficking

Imagine how proud you'd feel when wearing clothes you made yourself! Because we want you to feel like that, we regularly host sewing events open for the public. In only a few hours, you make your own, unique piece - without any previous experiences required.

Sewing is fun, and a very practical skill to have as well. And the best? In the process, you can fund a survivor artisan going through the sewing skills training. So, it won't just be you who benefit from your sign up.

Help us provide meaningful employment in a trauma-informed workspace for survivors of human trafficking, and join our next course.

Our next sewing courses

sign up today!

Enjoy a fun afternoon learning to sew your own wrap pants!

13.00 - 18.00

Sew it together Studio,
32 Palmer Road, Muizenberg

R550: we buy the fabric
R400: bring your own fabric

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